The ‘V’ Word February 12, 2020 – Posted in: Blog – Tags: Gifting, Love, Perfume, relationships, romance, scent, Valentines
Valentines Day is celebrated on 14th February by many around the world. Originally a Western Christian day of feast honouring two Saints recognising culture, religion and of course celebrating romance.
However, in modern times, the love heart was created along with red roses symbolising the romantic day. People gift cards, chocolates, teddies, flowers and perfume as a sign of love to their special someone or love interest.
Growing up, there was always an emphasis around this day, to have a Valentine, questions would be asked like ‘Did you get a card? Have you got a Valentines date? If not, Why not? Go out anyway! I mean come on now let’s be serious here it’s just another day, right?! I never felt pressured into anything although I can see why it was made into such a big fuss.
The older I’ve become, its apparent to me, it’s a day to recognise and to celebrate the love of family, friends, people you surround yourself with and have in your life. It is also to be aware and open to those less fortunate and be there for them by giving a smile, hug, or a way of a small gesture of kindness.
Another area that seems to resonate to me is the power to love yourself, this is something I have been saying for some time.
Perfume seems to be a popular choice when gifting a loved one on Valentine’s Day. Our sense of smell does wonders to our psyche and opens our feelings to another level.
Why not give yourself the gift of sensory pleasure you deserve it!
So, this Valentine’s Day, wear your absolute favourite scent with attitude, swagger, sass… remind yourself ‘I Got this, I Own this, I Love ME.’
NLyten yourselves!
Gina Rossides February 14, 2020 - 12:43
Beautiful words! I have always felt the same, a celebration of love xxx
Olivia Parry February 15, 2020 - 08:13
What a beautiful piece. Yes I agree scent evokes strong memories and feelings. I gave my husband some lovely shower gel. He always surprises me with the most beautiful cards and this year was the best Valentine’s Day card ever.
I also advise my weight loss clients to use hand creams and essential oils instead of food if they are thinking of eating when they are stressed or bored. It works.